As part of my ongoing effort to sound more impressive when beginning blog posts, I was recently reading Tacitus' The Annals, where he lays out the history of Rome encapsulated in the reigns of Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, and Nero, respectively the second, third, fourth, and fifth Roman emperors.
As recorded by Tacitus, during the reign of the emperor Nero there was a six-day-long fire that devastated Rome. You may have heard of this particular fire: it's the one during which, supposedly, Nero played the fiddle.
Nero, Emperor of Rome |
In the aftermath of the conflagration, public opinion of Nero was abysmal. A popular rumor went so far as to suggest that he started the fire himself, possibly to make room for a luxurious palace he had been wanting. Desperate to find a culprit that was not him, he announced that the true cause of the fire were members of this weird foreign mystery cult--you know, Christians.